Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Thanks to You!

Well, it's been a very long time since I last blogged. Sorry about that. I didn't realize that anyone actually was interested in what I had to say. I am pleasantly surprised that some of you (Mike and Kerry) enjoyed reading my stuff. Thanks.

The kids are getting big and my family is doing well. My Mom celebrated her 77th birthday this weekend. We were all thankful for that. We had a nice luncheon at Michael's Restaurant on Saturday. She was feeling good, and really was able to enjoy the kids.

I just want to say Happy Holidays to everyone, and hope that we all can enjoy a great Christmas! I am thankful to have reconnected with old friends, and staying in touch with everyone. It is important to realize the things and people that make your heart smile.

Hope to talk to you soon. Love, Jeannie

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