Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Splish Splash....We had a Bash!!!!

The rain tried its best to stop Claire and Kurt's pool party/BBQ Birthday. Everyone showed great spirit and endurance. We survived the day, and it was a fun one. The kids had a blast. I am very happy to have seen everyone. I only wish that I could have spent more time socializing.
I want to thank everyone for their stream of gifts and good wishes. Claire, Kurt and Scott were very thankful for their gifts. It was like opening presents on Christmas day, once we got home to Sparta.
I'm glad that you all got to see my Mother, looking so well. They had a rough ride home in terrible rain pours. I guess lower Jersey and Delaware was getting some really bad weather.
We are looking forward to the Gerauds' pool party, and seeing everyone again. I will be visiting with as many people as possible the week Kevin is in Hong Kong. I'll fill you all in on the upcoming events, as they unfold. Love, Jean

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