Sunday, July 16, 2006

Small Child Big Mess!

I was blow drying my daughter's hair when I found my 3yr. old son running around naked. He was supposed to be dressing himself. Instead, he decided to go to the potty, and in doing so, put about a half of a roll of toilet paper in the bowl before flushing it. Needless to say, the water flowed onto the bathroom floor until it came crashing through my kitchen below. I ran downstairs to find a fountain coming out of my kitchen chandelier. The water had a mission. The mission was to make it to the basement, which it did. We have a lot of work ahead of us. I know someday we will laugh about this story. I have so many good stories that I am racking up to tell to girlfriends and boyfriends of my children, in hopes that someday they will repent for the sins against their Mother.

Thanks for letting me vent,

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