Saturday, March 18, 2006

Kids Say The Darndest Things!

Every now and then I can imagine my daughter on the school debating team. She's only 4 1/2, but could probably make it now if she applied for the position. It gets harder to tell little fibs or try to get the smallest thing past them.

Either they are brilliant, or I am getting stupid with aging. Which is just wrong any way that you look at it. How are we supposed to keep up with these kids??? Now I know how hard my Mom had it when I tried to get her to help me with my Algebra or such. She would say that they did not learn that in school. I can't even fathom how much I won't know when my kids bring home the work.

There is joy and pride in the moment when your child "calls" you on something. One parent to the other, we laugh, but are silently proud. "That's my kid". Boy, am I in for an awakening or couple hundred.

On of the best parts, is when they are learning to speak. We still have that to look forward to with our son, Kurt. When Claire and Scott were learning to say "fork" they used to say "f--K", sounds like "duck". Yeah, it was especially embarassing when they would ask for a "f--k" in the diner at breakfast. We would have to put our hands over their mouths to get them to quiet down long enough for everyone around us to stop laughing. Kids say the darndest things! These are the times to remember.

Thanks for letting me vent,

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