Friday, March 10, 2006

Catching Up Before My Birthday

I I thought that I should catch up on life's moments. My 38th birthday is tomorrow. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it in writing! I can't believe that I am 38 years old. Man, I have a lot of things that I still need to do with my life. I hope I get the chance to do them all.

I wanted to attach some pictures of the kids and my family. We had a nice visit with my brother and sisters and our children, at my Mom and Dad's last weekend. My brother drove up from TN. We stayed with our good friends Pete and Kerry Wright and their children Delaney (in the pick with Claire) and Sean. The kids have been friends since birth. It's hard to believe how time flies.

Anyway, things are good here and time goes by too fast. I need to get myself excercising more, as I am already getting Spring fashion fever! I wore flip flops today, and they felt great! Now, I want to get another tatoo, but Kevin objects, to say the least. I guess I will have to find some other way to creatively express myself. I don't have much hair left, so that is not an option!

I hope all is well with everyone, and I look forward to make some trips when Spring decides to stay around for a while.

Thanks for tuning into my blog today and letting me vent,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY....................................Mike and Margaret