Thursday, December 14, 2006

Too Much Bad News Isin't Good For You

I recently got the news that my Nephew, Rob has cancer. Rob lived with us for 6 months last year. He is my brother's son. They live in Tenn. Rob just turned 28 years old. Needless to say, my family, especially my brother's portion, has had a really traumatic year this year. My poor sister-in-law lost her father, son, grandson, and now another son has cancer. I can't even fathom the pain she must live with. I do feel the burden of sharing in every one's grief. I think pretty much our whole family is on anti-depressants. Thank goodness for medicine!
I don't remember anything like this as a child. We were shielded from these things. Ignorance can truly be bliss! It's times like this that being an adult really stinks. It seems like everyone I know has been touched by cancer in some way or another. I hate cancer, and my wish for the new year, is that someone finds the cure. Wouldn't it be wonderful if in the very near future, we could just get a cancer vaccine?! Maybe if we all wish it really hard, it might come true. Well, this is Jean, just venting again. Thanks for reading.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Reflecting On The Year's Success

Here’s to another successful year! We’ve all had our ups and downs this year, but overall, it was a successful one. Mom celebrated her 77th birthday. The kids started school. There were some great get-togethers at friends’ homes.

We lost some people who were very dear to our hearts. But, we have to be thankful for the joyful memories they bestowed upon us. Sometimes, what hurts us can make us stronger. It’s important to validate the roles each person plays in our lives. If I have learned anything this year….it’s to appreciate everyone you know for whatever it is that they bring to the table. You might not realize it at present, but they are an important part of your life, or you wouldn’t know them. In some way, everyone makes us see something in ourselves, that maybe we weren’t looking for at first.

So, with that said….surround yourselves with friends, both old and new. If you’ve lost something or someone…find it/them! Only you can bring upon your own success. Life is about living it, not sitting back and waiting for it to happen! Reach out and share yourself with someone. Like we just did………


Success is speaking words of praise, in cheering other people’s ways.
In doing just the best you can, with every task and every plan.
It’s silence when your speech would hurt, and politeness at your neighbor’s curt.
It’s deafness when the scandal flows, and sympathy with other’s woes.
In all of life, and nothing less, we find the things we call success.
- by Mary Steiner Rice

(I memorized this poem when I was a child, it has always stayed with me.)

Happy Holidays and Have a great New Year!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Thanks to You!

Well, it's been a very long time since I last blogged. Sorry about that. I didn't realize that anyone actually was interested in what I had to say. I am pleasantly surprised that some of you (Mike and Kerry) enjoyed reading my stuff. Thanks.

The kids are getting big and my family is doing well. My Mom celebrated her 77th birthday this weekend. We were all thankful for that. We had a nice luncheon at Michael's Restaurant on Saturday. She was feeling good, and really was able to enjoy the kids.

I just want to say Happy Holidays to everyone, and hope that we all can enjoy a great Christmas! I am thankful to have reconnected with old friends, and staying in touch with everyone. It is important to realize the things and people that make your heart smile.

Hope to talk to you soon. Love, Jeannie