Thursday, May 11, 2006

What's Going On??

I was just thinking to myself about how wacky things have gotten. The sweetest person in the world died this week. Her name was Vicki, and she was our next-door neighbor. She had a rare blood and heart disease. She was only 45. We are all in shock. I just don't understand how terrorist and evil people can survive in this world, and wonderful people like Vicki, are taken from us. I guess I am really angry with the reality of life. I know I am getting older, because things that never were of importance to me, are now very important to me. I just don't understand how this world works anymore. I don't think I have any faith in God anymore. I can only have faith in the people that I love and trust. I can only have faith in myself, to do what I feel is right for me and my family. I am begining to realize why people are the way they are, and value what it is that they value in life. I have a new perspective on life, and I hope it makes me a better person. Knowing Vicki was a blessing, and I am a better person for having her as a friend. We will all miss her immensely.

On another, less sad note, but equally wacky to me.......WHY WAS CHRIS DAUGHTRY CUT FROM AMERICAN IDOL!!! Ok, I don't have many addictive interests; however, I am a self proclaimed American Idol fanatic. I thought for sure that Chris would be the next American Idol. Their is something fishy going on behind the scenes. I think Tommy Matola from Sony, wanted to produce Chris, and paid off AI to make someone else the winner. This was so that Chris is not stuck into a contract with AI for the next couple of years. I really enjoyed watching him sing. I will miss him. Kevin and I decided to give our support to Taylor Hicks. Not that he is the best vocalist, but he is the most entertaining, and he always makes us smile. I really do enjoy the quality of his voice and the way it makes me feel. He is a guy who definately is positive and enjoys life.

I just don't know what is karmically going on in the world, or maybe it's me that 's seeing things differently, but I need to make some sense out of life. Things need to get balanced. I think we could all use a good dose of positivity and peace. Let's hope that the whole world can experience the exact opposite feeling of 9/11. Let's hope that something really positive happens in the world that will affect each and every one of us is in a blissful, happy way. If we raise our consciencousness to a level of peace, just maybe we will achieve peace. (whatever peace represents in your heart).

Here's wishing everyone a positive future full of life's joys and peace. Please know that I value each and every one of you that are a part of my life. And most of all, thanks for letting me vent to you again.

Love, Jeannie

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