Thursday, May 11, 2006

What's Going On??

I was just thinking to myself about how wacky things have gotten. The sweetest person in the world died this week. Her name was Vicki, and she was our next-door neighbor. She had a rare blood and heart disease. She was only 45. We are all in shock. I just don't understand how terrorist and evil people can survive in this world, and wonderful people like Vicki, are taken from us. I guess I am really angry with the reality of life. I know I am getting older, because things that never were of importance to me, are now very important to me. I just don't understand how this world works anymore. I don't think I have any faith in God anymore. I can only have faith in the people that I love and trust. I can only have faith in myself, to do what I feel is right for me and my family. I am begining to realize why people are the way they are, and value what it is that they value in life. I have a new perspective on life, and I hope it makes me a better person. Knowing Vicki was a blessing, and I am a better person for having her as a friend. We will all miss her immensely.

On another, less sad note, but equally wacky to me.......WHY WAS CHRIS DAUGHTRY CUT FROM AMERICAN IDOL!!! Ok, I don't have many addictive interests; however, I am a self proclaimed American Idol fanatic. I thought for sure that Chris would be the next American Idol. Their is something fishy going on behind the scenes. I think Tommy Matola from Sony, wanted to produce Chris, and paid off AI to make someone else the winner. This was so that Chris is not stuck into a contract with AI for the next couple of years. I really enjoyed watching him sing. I will miss him. Kevin and I decided to give our support to Taylor Hicks. Not that he is the best vocalist, but he is the most entertaining, and he always makes us smile. I really do enjoy the quality of his voice and the way it makes me feel. He is a guy who definately is positive and enjoys life.

I just don't know what is karmically going on in the world, or maybe it's me that 's seeing things differently, but I need to make some sense out of life. Things need to get balanced. I think we could all use a good dose of positivity and peace. Let's hope that the whole world can experience the exact opposite feeling of 9/11. Let's hope that something really positive happens in the world that will affect each and every one of us is in a blissful, happy way. If we raise our consciencousness to a level of peace, just maybe we will achieve peace. (whatever peace represents in your heart).

Here's wishing everyone a positive future full of life's joys and peace. Please know that I value each and every one of you that are a part of my life. And most of all, thanks for letting me vent to you again.

Love, Jeannie

Monday, May 01, 2006

What Happened to April?

It's been a while since I last wrote. I don't know what happened to April. I guess we were busy and ill. There was a cold/flu going around that everyone just kept giving to each other. Anyway, it's the first of May and Scott's 3rd birthday is tomorrow. We are looking forward to Kevin taking the day off work, and giving Scott the perfect day. Tomorrow is all about Scott day. He and Claire can't wait to break open the pinata. This is going to be a Scooby Doo party. Scott loves Scooby. I can't believe how fast they grow.
I gave Scott and Kurt haircuts yesterday. They look so handsome! Kurt is getting so big too. Claire has lost her baby features and looks like a little beauty. I am very proud of my children. I can't imagine the joy that the school years will bring. Life needs to slow down, because things are moving way too fast!
I hope everyone finds themselves well, and preparing for some warm, beautiful weather.

Take care, Jeannie