Saturday, March 18, 2006

Kids Say The Darndest Things!

Every now and then I can imagine my daughter on the school debating team. She's only 4 1/2, but could probably make it now if she applied for the position. It gets harder to tell little fibs or try to get the smallest thing past them.

Either they are brilliant, or I am getting stupid with aging. Which is just wrong any way that you look at it. How are we supposed to keep up with these kids??? Now I know how hard my Mom had it when I tried to get her to help me with my Algebra or such. She would say that they did not learn that in school. I can't even fathom how much I won't know when my kids bring home the work.

There is joy and pride in the moment when your child "calls" you on something. One parent to the other, we laugh, but are silently proud. "That's my kid". Boy, am I in for an awakening or couple hundred.

On of the best parts, is when they are learning to speak. We still have that to look forward to with our son, Kurt. When Claire and Scott were learning to say "fork" they used to say "f--K", sounds like "duck". Yeah, it was especially embarassing when they would ask for a "f--k" in the diner at breakfast. We would have to put our hands over their mouths to get them to quiet down long enough for everyone around us to stop laughing. Kids say the darndest things! These are the times to remember.

Thanks for letting me vent,

Friday, March 10, 2006

Catching Up Before My Birthday

I I thought that I should catch up on life's moments. My 38th birthday is tomorrow. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it in writing! I can't believe that I am 38 years old. Man, I have a lot of things that I still need to do with my life. I hope I get the chance to do them all.

I wanted to attach some pictures of the kids and my family. We had a nice visit with my brother and sisters and our children, at my Mom and Dad's last weekend. My brother drove up from TN. We stayed with our good friends Pete and Kerry Wright and their children Delaney (in the pick with Claire) and Sean. The kids have been friends since birth. It's hard to believe how time flies.

Anyway, things are good here and time goes by too fast. I need to get myself excercising more, as I am already getting Spring fashion fever! I wore flip flops today, and they felt great! Now, I want to get another tatoo, but Kevin objects, to say the least. I guess I will have to find some other way to creatively express myself. I don't have much hair left, so that is not an option!

I hope all is well with everyone, and I look forward to make some trips when Spring decides to stay around for a while.

Thanks for tuning into my blog today and letting me vent,

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Getting Older

I definately feel as though this year has aged me. As I approach my 38th birthday, I am overwhelmed by emotion. I have a lot to be thankful for this year. However, those good things have been overshadowed by a few of life's less positive lessons.

My son, Kurt was born about 8 months ago. That is the shining moment of the year. I was Matron of Honor in my best friend's wedding. We have known each other for 31 years and it was very important to me. On the other hand, my Mom is dying of Lung Cancer and my husband's uncle died yesterday morning of Lung Cancer. In some ways, I feel like a whirlpool of chaos is trying to suck my family into a dark hole. My husband, Kevin, may have to do an excessive amount of driving over the next few days, just so we call all spend the time with our families. I might mention that there is 7 feet of snow currently falling outside. He needs to drive up to Massachusettes, then back to New Jersey, then to PA. and Delaware, then back to NJ. again. I heard that my brother is driving from Tennessee to CT., back to TN. and then to DE. What is going on??? What is up with the karma these days?

It feels like the same circumstances are happening in some way, to everyone that I care about. I have told friends about my Mom, only to find out that they too have someone with Cancer dying or being treated for it. I have friends in the hospital trying to heal, and others dealing with their problems on a daily basis. I have friends who need a home of their own, and other friends who can't keep people out of their house. It seems like the world is going through some sort of feast or famine phase. I for one, am really tired of it.

I can't wait for Spring, because I feel like it will bring new life and new energy to everyone and everything. Maybe if we can all find a little more positivity in our lives each day, we can collectively raise this cloud of negativity that seems to be hoovering over us. I hope that everyone finds a little more joy, a little more peace and a little more comfort in each new day that life brings.

Maybe I've never noticed this stuff before because I thought of myself as the youngest in the family. I think that I have had to deal with alot of things this year that make me lose touch with my inner child. I feel like I haven't been able to be fun for my kids or husband or myself. I need to losen up and let go. I feel like I am fighting to be a kid, because all this adult stuff is going on around me. I don't want to deal with so much reality! I feel old. What's a person to do in order to get that sense of carefreeness back? I wish I knew.

Thanks for letting me vent,