Monday, January 09, 2006

How To Speak to Your Children

When it came to disipline, I was clueless. I can say that, now that I have learned some new techniques on how to talk to your children. Apparently, we condition our kids to respond sort of the way a prisoner responds to corporal punishment. Corporal punishment meaning to control, demean, and or strike a person. How many times have you threatened or bribed your kids to eat or go potty using a stern voice? Believe or not, that is not ok.
I recently received an audio disc called "Dawn Talk". It is by this woman who has over 60,000 hours as a caregiver with children. She has a bunch of credits to her name as well. But, the important thing is that she knows first hand what really works with kids. I started to try her techniques. Both my husband and myself were astounded to see the results. I don't even recognise my kids anymore. I had no idea that my children could be so nice! I find that my stress level has come down tremendously; and that is a huge accomplishment in this home of 3 children. I used to think I gave birth to unruly animals, but apparently not. I am so pleased with this cd, that I can't wait to get to the second disc. That's right, I haven't even got through the first one yet, and it is working wonders!
The basic jist of the whole program is to speak to your children like you are creating a visual picture for them. Kids comprehend things visually. So by telling them "No", you are not creating a visual picture. But by saying "That is not for throwing", you are creating a visual picture. I have hardly used the word "No" around here these past few days. The nice thing is that my kids don't use the word "No" much either. They really do try to model us.
The best part about this whole discovery, is that my kids are happier. I am seeing more creativity out of them. They are much more pleasant to be with. They tell me that I'm there best friend, and how much they love me. I almost want to cry. It really is an awesome product. So, if you are having a problem communicating with unruly children. It may not be them that's the problem, but rather, the way you are speaking with them. I would highly recommend getting "Dawn Talk" from I hope everyone finds this as helpful as I did.

Thanks again for letting me vent,

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