Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer News

The kids are busy learning Taekwondo. They love it. Master Hill says Claire has the potential to go far in this sport. I hope she sticks with it. Claire turned 10 today! I miss my husband, who is doing business in Switzerland. We all can't wait for him to get home! Summer is going way too fast. I am looking forward to some sort of exercise and diet routine that I can live with. I hope I figure something out soon. The kids' activities make it difficult to exercise regularly right now. Time to get the kiddos ready for bed and another fun-filled Summer day tomorrow! Peace ♥

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Long Time ....No See

Well, it was weird to read this blog after four years! Scott just turned 8 on May 2nd. We are getting ready for school's end, and looking forward to the Summer. I've recently started a regular exercise routine with Ellen Barrett, that I hope will pay off in time for bathing suit weather. Kevin ran a race throught the Lincoln Tunnel, and did very well. Claire is taking piano and voice lessons. She sings with the NJ Conservatory Chorus. Kurt is looking forward to 1st grade. Scott is looking forward to being at Claire's school next year. Scott just finished a large Lego project. The kids have been doing really well in school. We had a great Easter in Tennessee with my brother, his family and my dad and sisters and our families. The 11 hour drive each way, was not as bad as I thought it would be. The kids did great considering the length of the trip. Movies were a key factor in keeping them situated. Well, that was just a little catch up blog. I have to get the creative energies flowing again......so, till next time.......♥

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Today is the Day I Get My Sight.....For Real!

Well, I'm happy to say that in about 1 1/2 hours, I will be having Lasik Eye Surgery. I am so excited. I have wanted this procedure for many years. It is something that I know will change my life for the better. I can't wait to be able to see my family with open eyes, and no headaches. I am going to pay so much attention to detail from this day on......

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

MAY Spring Finally Be Upon Us!!!!!

Well, it's again been a while since I last wrote. Things have been hectic. We Rileys have been travelling allot. It will be nice to see everyone on May 19th. Margaret and Mike, you are invited to my dad's 79th B'day outing at Delaware Park. They have a picnic area for family and children. We are going to start at 12:00noon. Bring lawn chairs. It will be like Delaware homecoming. We've invited mostly family, but anyone reading this is welcome. Please email me your RSVP, so that I can let Kathy know the final count. There will be food and beverages provided. If you want to bring any activities/games/sports, that would be great too. My Dad has those of you that he corresponds with regularly, so don't let on about the party. He knows that it is going to be there, but he does not know how big it might become.

Anyway, besides that.....We have been well. And, I hope you all have been well too. We are looking forward to taking a vacation in July. We are going to Williamsburg, VA. I think the kids are going to love Bush Gardens Europe. I would like to invite you all to visit us in Sparta, any weekend that you might have available. We would love the company. It is getting crazy with how much travelling we have been doing. I feel like I live out of a suitcase!

With Mother's Day next week, I'd like to say that I am doing pretty well. I don't really think about her much anymore. It doesn't consume me the way it used to. It is really kind of weird how I just put it out of my mind. I guess because I have my own children to worry about. If I didn't have them, then I would probably dote on the loss more than I should.

My sister, Diane is home from the hospital. She has some short-term memory loss. It is expected to return. She seems to be calmer and more at ease with life. I only hope that it remains that way. I hope with her continued outpatient treatments, that she notices more improvement.

Scott turns 4 tomorrow, and he is looking forward to going to school with his goodie bag. I made up some rice crispy treat and lollipop snacks for him to take to school. Of course, I didn't make the treats, just bought them. But, I did tie a bow on them!

Not much else exciting going on....so I'll just sign off for now.

Until next time.........


Monday, February 12, 2007

Being a Little Creative and a Lot More Painful!

I have been travelling down to DE a bit this month. I have been helping my friend Kurt with some set design for a play that he is directing at the Sanford School. While it has been a blast.....I have come to realize that I am getting old! I can't believe the amount of pain that bending, kneeling and just weird painting movements have caused me. I never would have thought that I would feel like this. However, I would do it all over again and again, because time flew by with enjoyment.

It has been so awesome to be creative again. I was nervous at first, because I had never painted on a tarp before. But, once things got rolling, and I figured the materials out.....it was pure joy!!!!

I have missed this side of myself most of all. Being a Mom is great, but the feeling you get when you create something like this is pretty cool too. I didn't realize how much I had lost touch with who I am.

This is something that I think I would like to do for a living, once the kids are older. And, that in itself is a revelation for me!!!! I have always wondered what I would do with my life when they could take care of themselves. Now, I have an option which appeals to me. I hope you enjoy the pics. Love, Jean

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's Been Awhile, and I'm Fine....

Well it's been awhile since I last blogged. As most of you already know, I lost my beloved Mother on January 2, 2007. It was a long and terrible death; something I hope no-one I love ever has to go through. It was the soul searching time of my life. I never felt so peeled-away and fundamentally human. I truly found the essence of "Jean" and those around me. It is times like this that you see people for who they really are.

I have been in awe of the outpouring of sympathy and kind words from friends and family. I have never felt so loved by so many. I am so very lucky to have the friends and family that care about me and Kevin and the kids. I'm not quite sure what one is supposed to say, when one receives such nice cards and thoughts. I would just like everyone who has contacted me in one way or another, to know that I appreciate you and for thinking of me and my family at this time of sorrow.

With all that said...I would like to express my desire to put things behind me and move on in a positive direction. I find creative interests keep me happiest. I plan on doing some painting and decorating. I hope to visit with friends, and look forward to a pleasant Spring season.

I hope this post finds everyone well. Thanks for taking the time to check in on me. - Jeannie

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Too Much Bad News Isin't Good For You

I recently got the news that my Nephew, Rob has cancer. Rob lived with us for 6 months last year. He is my brother's son. They live in Tenn. Rob just turned 28 years old. Needless to say, my family, especially my brother's portion, has had a really traumatic year this year. My poor sister-in-law lost her father, son, grandson, and now another son has cancer. I can't even fathom the pain she must live with. I do feel the burden of sharing in every one's grief. I think pretty much our whole family is on anti-depressants. Thank goodness for medicine!
I don't remember anything like this as a child. We were shielded from these things. Ignorance can truly be bliss! It's times like this that being an adult really stinks. It seems like everyone I know has been touched by cancer in some way or another. I hate cancer, and my wish for the new year, is that someone finds the cure. Wouldn't it be wonderful if in the very near future, we could just get a cancer vaccine?! Maybe if we all wish it really hard, it might come true. Well, this is Jean, just venting again. Thanks for reading.