Monday, February 12, 2007

Being a Little Creative and a Lot More Painful!

I have been travelling down to DE a bit this month. I have been helping my friend Kurt with some set design for a play that he is directing at the Sanford School. While it has been a blast.....I have come to realize that I am getting old! I can't believe the amount of pain that bending, kneeling and just weird painting movements have caused me. I never would have thought that I would feel like this. However, I would do it all over again and again, because time flew by with enjoyment.

It has been so awesome to be creative again. I was nervous at first, because I had never painted on a tarp before. But, once things got rolling, and I figured the materials was pure joy!!!!

I have missed this side of myself most of all. Being a Mom is great, but the feeling you get when you create something like this is pretty cool too. I didn't realize how much I had lost touch with who I am.

This is something that I think I would like to do for a living, once the kids are older. And, that in itself is a revelation for me!!!! I have always wondered what I would do with my life when they could take care of themselves. Now, I have an option which appeals to me. I hope you enjoy the pics. Love, Jean

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