Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Long Time ....No See

Well, it was weird to read this blog after four years! Scott just turned 8 on May 2nd. We are getting ready for school's end, and looking forward to the Summer. I've recently started a regular exercise routine with Ellen Barrett, that I hope will pay off in time for bathing suit weather. Kevin ran a race throught the Lincoln Tunnel, and did very well. Claire is taking piano and voice lessons. She sings with the NJ Conservatory Chorus. Kurt is looking forward to 1st grade. Scott is looking forward to being at Claire's school next year. Scott just finished a large Lego project. The kids have been doing really well in school. We had a great Easter in Tennessee with my brother, his family and my dad and sisters and our families. The 11 hour drive each way, was not as bad as I thought it would be. The kids did great considering the length of the trip. Movies were a key factor in keeping them situated. Well, that was just a little catch up blog. I have to get the creative energies flowing, till next time.......♥