Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Today is the Day I Get My Sight.....For Real!

Well, I'm happy to say that in about 1 1/2 hours, I will be having Lasik Eye Surgery. I am so excited. I have wanted this procedure for many years. It is something that I know will change my life for the better. I can't wait to be able to see my family with open eyes, and no headaches. I am going to pay so much attention to detail from this day on......

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

MAY Spring Finally Be Upon Us!!!!!

Well, it's again been a while since I last wrote. Things have been hectic. We Rileys have been travelling allot. It will be nice to see everyone on May 19th. Margaret and Mike, you are invited to my dad's 79th B'day outing at Delaware Park. They have a picnic area for family and children. We are going to start at 12:00noon. Bring lawn chairs. It will be like Delaware homecoming. We've invited mostly family, but anyone reading this is welcome. Please email me your RSVP, so that I can let Kathy know the final count. There will be food and beverages provided. If you want to bring any activities/games/sports, that would be great too. My Dad has those of you that he corresponds with regularly, so don't let on about the party. He knows that it is going to be there, but he does not know how big it might become.

Anyway, besides that.....We have been well. And, I hope you all have been well too. We are looking forward to taking a vacation in July. We are going to Williamsburg, VA. I think the kids are going to love Bush Gardens Europe. I would like to invite you all to visit us in Sparta, any weekend that you might have available. We would love the company. It is getting crazy with how much travelling we have been doing. I feel like I live out of a suitcase!

With Mother's Day next week, I'd like to say that I am doing pretty well. I don't really think about her much anymore. It doesn't consume me the way it used to. It is really kind of weird how I just put it out of my mind. I guess because I have my own children to worry about. If I didn't have them, then I would probably dote on the loss more than I should.

My sister, Diane is home from the hospital. She has some short-term memory loss. It is expected to return. She seems to be calmer and more at ease with life. I only hope that it remains that way. I hope with her continued outpatient treatments, that she notices more improvement.

Scott turns 4 tomorrow, and he is looking forward to going to school with his goodie bag. I made up some rice crispy treat and lollipop snacks for him to take to school. Of course, I didn't make the treats, just bought them. But, I did tie a bow on them!

Not much else exciting going I'll just sign off for now.

Until next time.........
