Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's Been Awhile, and I'm Fine....

Well it's been awhile since I last blogged. As most of you already know, I lost my beloved Mother on January 2, 2007. It was a long and terrible death; something I hope no-one I love ever has to go through. It was the soul searching time of my life. I never felt so peeled-away and fundamentally human. I truly found the essence of "Jean" and those around me. It is times like this that you see people for who they really are.

I have been in awe of the outpouring of sympathy and kind words from friends and family. I have never felt so loved by so many. I am so very lucky to have the friends and family that care about me and Kevin and the kids. I'm not quite sure what one is supposed to say, when one receives such nice cards and thoughts. I would just like everyone who has contacted me in one way or another, to know that I appreciate you and for thinking of me and my family at this time of sorrow.

With all that said...I would like to express my desire to put things behind me and move on in a positive direction. I find creative interests keep me happiest. I plan on doing some painting and decorating. I hope to visit with friends, and look forward to a pleasant Spring season.

I hope this post finds everyone well. Thanks for taking the time to check in on me. - Jeannie