Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Vacation From Our Vacation

Hello everyone. We recently got back from a week of vacation. Well, it's more like vacation for everyone else, and part-time vacation for me. I think it went better than I had expected. Claire and Scott were pretty good for most of it. Kurt was with Grandma and Grandpa. I missed Kurt enormously. It just didn't feel right being on vacation without him. From now on....everyone goes on vacation together. Unless, of course, my husband wants to take me on a romantic, tropical vacation. I think I might have to wait 10 years or so before that happens! Maybe I'll have lost the chocolate pounds I put on from this Hershey Park vacation by then.
Now, I have to try to get things back in order. There's the endless laundry, the dirty house, and groceries. Just when I think things are back to normal, Kevin has a business trip. The cat brings in a live chipmunk, which is currently taking its vacation in my house!!! Remember that dog we used to have?.........Well.......I think there may be two less cats in this house if things don't get under control. I had to toss a dead chipmunk out of my foyer just 2 days ago!!! Kevin says the cats just want to please and impress me. No way, they wait for him to leave then they torture me! Needless to say, I'm not impressed.
Father's Day is this weekend, and the kids are looking forward to giving Kevin the presents that it took an hour to wrap tonight. Two preschoolers with tape and scissors seemed like an honest thing at first. Yeah right! I survived. More importantly, so did they. Kurt sat on the floor being his usual charming self, just enjoying whatever scraps of paper he could put into his mouth.
We are venturing to Aunt Diane and Uncle Mike's next weekend, and going to see Thomas the Train. I plan on catching up with my sisters and parents.
My mother is having some more chemotherapy, and seems to be taking it better. They have given her some other medication for post session symptoms. It seems to be helping her. I don't really have much to say on that subject, other than...I look at each day she is with us as a bonus.
Well, now that I had a chance to stop worrying about the chipmunk running around my house..I'd better get back to work. Time to fold the laundry. Hope all is well with everyone, and thanks for reading my blog today. - Jeannie